How Many Times?

I have tried my best in everything I have done, growing up I felt that I was entitled to good things because I was a good person. Now that I have been in the “real world” for a while now I’ve realised how wrong I was. Seeing good people who have passed away or those who have life-changing illnesses just like mine has truly humbled me. It doesn’t matter what you do as a person challenging things can happen to anyone, it is up to you as a person to take what you are given and learn lessons from it. The human body is so fragile, but we often forget about how much the mind takes a battering, we are constantly seeing things and going through situations where we have bad experiences and make us think negatively. We all have different things that we turn to when we are feeling negative. For me my main passion and outlet is music. I turn to music when I want to cry, laugh, feel angry or calm down. It brings me so many different emotions when I listen to music. Having come from a v...