Kubler Ross

Post-transplant I had to learn how to look at my self differently, I have gone through different phases in my journey. Learning that I would have a scar of my body that would mostly be visible, I had plans of getting a tattoo to hide it, I’ve now learnt to love it, its a reminder to me of what I’ve gone through but also it makes me even more unique, not many people can say they have had a liver transplant. I read a study of someone calls Kubler- Ross, he looks at the different stages of grief, Denial - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance. The beginning of the journey in the hospital was surreal, it all happened quickly and I didn’t have much time to process the situation at all I couldn’t comprehend that I had someone else liver inside me and that my liver had been sent off for research. I came home and was in a state of shock as the days went on I became angrier with everything that was going on. I remember having a conversation about it with my mum as...