Back to square one

14th June 2022. My second diagnosis of autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis. Since 2012 I have been battling this liver disease. The bane of my life something I have let hold me back from living life itself, it led to me having a liver transplant and 2 years after having my surgery it is back like it had never left. My 25th year on this planet with a second lease of life having received a healthy liver gave me hope that I would be able to take life on and catch up on years I had missed out on due to my struggles with health problems. I started to notice a few symptoms around March 2022 when I recognised symptoms from before I had the liver transplant, the yellowing of my skin and eyes (Jaundice) the itching of all parts of my body, and genuine fatigue and tiredness that left me not wanting to do anything. Getting to work was becoming a struggle, and I felt isolated from friends as I felt I didn’t have anyone to talk to who would understand what I was going through. I cont...