Let Me Know

6 months on from surgery my recovery is going well. I have a healthy balanced diet and I have taken up exercising in my home trying to build muscle weight. Coronavirus has put a hold on meeting up with friends and family I am in the high-risk category which has meant that I have kept shielding for 12 weeks from when the government put on the national lockdown. My physical health has been good. My mental health has been all over the place during the lockdown, I have taken up several different hobbies trying to keep busy and my mind active. Over this period I have been doing a lot of thinking. After The break up of my relationship and having surgery I wondered if anyone would ever want to be with me romantically again. I am a 23-year-old with a scar on my stomach, who goes to the hospital every 6 weeks sometimes more for various appointments. I now have to take immunosuppression medication for the rest of my life. Although I am doing well physically its difficult to completely...